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Road to teaching : a guide to teacher training, student teaching and finding a job

by Eric Hougan
Type:   Print book
Publisher: Charleston, SC : Booksurge, ©2008.
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classroom management (by 4 people)

instructional strategies (by 4 people)

k-12 (by 4 people)

principal (by 4 people)

student teacher (by 4 people)

student teaching (by 4 people)

teacher education (by 4 people)

teacher interview questions (by 4 people)

teacher training (by 4 people)

education (by 3 people)

pre-service teacher (by 3 people)

preservice teacher (by 3 people)

teacher (by 3 people)

cooperating teacher (by 2 people)

preservice (by 2 people)

teacher interview (by 2 people)

teaching (by 2 people)

education career (by 1 person)

master online (by 1 person)

networking (by 1 person)

pre-service (by 1 person)

pres-service teacher (by 1 person)

teacher hiring (by 1 person)

teaching career (by 1 person)

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