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The translator's invisibility : a history of translation

by Lawrence Venuti
Type:   Print book
Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge, ©1995.
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invisibilidad (by 7 people)

teoría (by 6 people)

historia de la traducción (by 5 people)

historia (by 4 people)

invisibilidad del traductor (by 3 people)

traductor (by 3 people)

english (by 2 people)

ensayos (by 2 people)

teoría (by 2 people)

teoría de la traducción (by 2 people)

traducción (by 2 people)

venuti (by 2 people)

ensayo (by 1 person)

history of translation (by 1 person)

inglés (by 1 person)

teoria (by 1 person)

teoría de la traducción (by 1 person)

traducción (by 1 person)

translation (by 1 person)

translator invisibility (by 1 person)

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